Sunday, 5 December 2010


I have decided to not to use the first 18 images because of there connotations to the indie genre the images don't suggest indie to my audience and are more fashion magazine. The images of the guitar are going to be re done to help show the image of learning the guitar coming through as the message. I like the ticket image put am going to recreate it so it looks like a bunch of tickets. The final imgae of my artist has a few mores similar to it but I am not going to use them because they show no link to the article, there not focused and some of them you can not see the artists face. 


Connor Hodgson interview.At the age of sixteen Connor Hodgson has already taken a band that was falling apart and created them in to the success that they are today as Hodgson and the plant. As lead singer and guitarist Connor leads the band writing and creating his own music, he talks about his love for music and the struggle of keeping the band together as they one by one head on out in to the real world to pursue other careers and head to university. No matter where the band goes from here it’s clear he will always be around to perform and get his music out there even as a solo artist, which will be no problem for him as he is a very confident performer who loves the attention it brings him. How did the name Hodgson and the plant come about? It came originally from a visit to Germany there was a woman that I met there and she just loved green and plants and stuff, and it just came from there really it was quite complicated the way it came about I couldn’t really think of another name and that was the only inspiration. Who are your musical influences? One of my influences would be Johnny Brahe from Razor light because that’s mainly from the first concert I went to was to see razor light and he was someone who really inspired me even though I wasn’t really in to music at the point particularly but my most, even from historical music influences would be John Lennon, a lot of people would say the Beatles but for me particularly John Lennon because I’ve read a lot about him and seen like documentaries and stuff, and that was like real inspiration. How did all of the members in your band meet? Well the other three in the band, where in a band called the dead teddies and they split up, and I was just writing some music just like acoustic music that I originally wrote and I knew them already from previous bands, and knew that they could play pretty well so I just asked if they would play a gig with me and they did and it all sort of went from there really. When did you all meet? It would have been; well the bassist I’ve known since primary school but I didn’t really know he played music till around year 9 so we went from there, but I’ve only really known the other two only for a couple of years, were getting on quite well and it’s all going pretty good. Tell me what was your favourite gig you have ever played? My favourite would probably be, we supported a local band Alexis blue for there farewell gig and we got quite a lot of people there because they were well known so we were like the second headliner and it went really well and we got a lot of support and just playing in the masque is pretty good anyway. Which is the best venue you have performed at? It would probably be the masque in Liverpool or the Zanzibar, but I don’t particularly like the Zanzibar because it’s expensive, you get ripped off as bands you don’t get anything what so ever from it you sought of lose money really but the sound there’s brilliant, and it’s a really good experience to play there and to be honest quite big bands have played there anyway so to play there it’s a good thing. Where does your band hope to be in two years time? Well depending on how things go with; like of course Uni’s a big obstacle in the way of a lot of young bands, and if you have got people in the band who want to go to university in the band, then obviously the band is going to go its separate ways, you know if you have got people who want to go to university then obviously the band sort of goes it's separate ways, so like say if one of your players wants to go to Manchester or go to Bristol and stuff like that then it makes it quite awkward yer not going to be able to play gigs, so its going to be a tough decision really, it might mean having to go on my own solo but I do hope in two years time I would have left school by then and hopefully things will be really looking up. How long have you been performing? Actually not that long, I've always been in to music and singing and stuff as a kid pretending your playing the violin on a coat hanger, I've always been in to music but performance wise I've literally been playing since year 9 really, started playing drums and the didn’t have many other drummers in my other school so I got a lot of opportunities from there and that sought of just inspired me to play other instruments and now I just love performing and ill take anything really. What is the message you are trying to convey in your music? Me personally I like to see it as music isn’t all yano rock n roll and drugs, as well as trying to take people away from the whole stereotype of drugs and drink at the gigs and before gigs I’d like to think that people can see music as; its hard to say like not just trying to go on any show, just pick up any other opportunity you get, trying to work hard its not all MySpace and face book you've gotta try and knock on people's doors and stuff because it is a really hard industry to break in to. What made you go from drummer to lead singer and guitarist?        Well, a lot of people say they don't like it but I like the attention, I like being in the centre of attention and it might be a bad try out for some people but I particularly like it and I think being a drummer for me just didn’t really give me that oomph that I wanted, at the back people were looking at the lead guitarist and not me and I think in the music industry you have got to be selfish and you've got to make big decisions if you want to get anywhere, I think that I’m destined to play the guitar and be at the front and not playing drums. What is the inspiration for your songs? Well its a mixture of things really it can go from just little gangs, yano scally gangs and knife crime to love and just some random things, like I have wrote a few song's lately, suttle songs about love and stuff like that just to make it a bit more clever and my lyrics have really developed since I've started playing and singing and not drumming. What is your opinion on programme’s like the X factor? Me particularly, I mean I watch them and I think most people do even if your a successful musician you've got to appreciate the acts that come out of it, obviously there not particularly ones that I’d listen to like JLS but you've really got to make a note of how successful they have become but I don’t really particularly like it because I think that the judges on their, there not exactly experienced musicians obviously one of them is well known in the music industry like Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh but other shows like must be the music which is on sky one they've got like Dizzy Rascal and Jamie Cullen whoever he is, and that's more if they sing and act good not if they look good and it's better. I heard that you auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent how far did you get? Yeah didn’t think you'd mention that, well I watched the; it must have been 2008 final and id started playing and it got quite a lot of good feedback, and I seen I think it was diversity that won it and just saw how anyone can sought of win it you never really expect this big dance group to win and stuff, so I thought oh ill just go for it so I applied for it that day or that night diversity won it and got an email or a ring back saying oh yeah you've got an audition in Manchester, went all the way up there and played for a producer in a room with camera and they took a picture of you before you went on there and they said if you get through or not we will send you a letter, I didn’t actually get a letter so I’m still calling it as I did get through and it got lost in the post. How was the experience for you? It was good because yano its good and bad it didn’t hurt me as much because I didn’t get a letter at all, I didn’t get anything to say basically you didn’t get through yeah not good enough and I didn’t get one saying you are good enough, but I sought of see it as you've just got to; and I’m not one to think like destiny and stuff like that but I do think its made me better. Thank you very much.     

Friday, 19 November 2010


Hodgson and the plant questions.

How did the name Hodgson and the plant come about?

Who are your musical influences?

How did all of the members in your band meet?

When did you all meet?

Tell me what was your favourite gig you have ever played?

What made that gig the best for you?

Which is the best venue you have performed at?

Where do you hope to be in two years time?

Connor you where once in a band the dead teddies, why did they split up?

How long have you been performing?

What is the message you are trying to convey in your music?

What made you go from drummer to lead singer and guitarist?

What is the inspiration for your songs?

Who or what influences the music you produce?

What is your opinion on programmes like the x factor?

I heard that you auditioned for Britain’s got talent how far did you get?

How was the experience for you?


Main image of female in medium close up conveying powerful attitude.

Crowd surfing - is it crazy?
Americans drop by - we are scientists.
Glastonbury - back in the day
Dead management - behind the scenes.

Editors letter.
Solo- Storyboard of what’s been happening in the magazine this month.
Gig reviews – Two reviews of recent gigs.
Gig of the month- Fans write in about a gig they have experienced, four most entertaining are featured.
How well do you know? – List of questions seeing how well fans know a certain band.
Get started! – A double page on deals for musical instruments.
Ellie Goulding- Ellies Monthly Column
Out and about- Gigs coming up in the following month.
Photo pass- Quizzes, puzzles and competitions.
Fan mail- Letters and emails from fans.
Green room- Final page of each issue- different band tells readers of their favourite things.
Best city for gigs.
Glastonbury back in the day- insight into what Glastonbury was like when it all begun.
Festivals - do's and don’ts.
Festival must haves- What you should take to any festival.
Recently signed- new band just signed to well known record company.
Cover feature article.
Learning the guitar- tricks and tips on how to master playing the guitar.
Music legends.
Delve into fan bases- we see what goes on inside fan bases.

Interview with dead management- (Interview with tour managers and tour managing companies).
Americans visit- American artist touring UK interviewed.
Advice on making it big- Pointers from famous artists on how to make it big.
Kids! - Teen bands interviewed.
Are gig tickets costing too much?

Is it crazy to crowd surf?

Long shot of front cover artist.
Image of gig ticket.
Image of Connor hodgson from hodgson and the plant.
Image of Guitar.
Image of a teen band.


I am going to interview Connor Hodgson the lead singer of Hodgson and the plant and take one image of him to fill a whole page.

Monday, 8 November 2010


Publication plan.
OSITIONING STATEMENT: "the independent indie magazine" 
PRICE: £3.50
DISTRIBUTION: Newsagents, supermarkets; music magazines and gigs.
RATIONALE: The magazine is very informative to the fans keeping them updated on all things indie, the fans have a fair input in to the magazine as they can write in to share there experience in music and give there views and opinions on a number of pages. 

STYLE: The magazine is very informative but very formal it gives honest opinions, but covers the whole indie genre to suit all indie fans therefore its style will be something everyone can understand.
ONTENTEditor’s letter.
Solo- Storyboard of what’s been happening in the magazine this month.
Gig reviews – Two reviews on recent gigs.
Gig of the month- Fans right in about a gig they have experienced, four most entertaining are featured.
How well do you know? – List of questions seeing how well fans know a certain band.
Get started! – A double page on deals for musical instruments.
Ellie Goulding- Ellies Monthly Column
Celebrity spotting- People write in and send pictures of encounters with famous artists.
Out and about- Gigs coming up in the following month.
Photo pass- Quizzes, puzzles and competitions.
Fan mail- Letters and emails from fans.
Green room- Final page of each issue- different band tells readers of there favourite things.

Best city for gigs.
Glastonbury back in the day.
Festivals - do's and don’ts.
Festival must haves.
Recently signed.
Hodgson and the plant exclusive.
Learning the guitar.
Music legends.
Delve into fan bases.
Uprising star – New artist Katie bell interviewed.

Interview with dead management- (interview with tour managers and tour managing company’s will be regular feature.)
Americans visit- American artist touring UK interviewed.
Advice on making it big.
Kids! - Local teen bands interviewed.
Are gig tickets costing too much?

Is it crazy to crowd surf?
Cover lines:  Eras Demi ITC and Eras Light ITC
Headlines:  System
Stand first: Microsoft Sans Serif 11pt.
Captions:  Microsoft Sans Serif 9pt.
Features first paragraph:  Drop capital System, 5 lines deep, and first two words in capitals.
News first paragraph: first sentence in bold capitals.

Body text: Times New Roman 11pt (bold).
Colour scheme: Red, black and blue.


Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Questionnaire: Music magazine.For my AS media I have to produce a music magazine I would be grateful if you could fill in this questionnaire to help my production.

1. Are you male or female?

2. What is your favourite colour?

3. How often do you buy a music magazine? (Circle answer)
    Weekly                   Fortnightly                    Monthly                     Every 2 months

4. What three words would you associate with Indie music?

5. Who is your favourite artist within the Indie genre?

6. Do you download music or buy CD’s? (Circle answer).
Download                        Buy CD                          Both

7. How many gigs do you attend in a six month period?

8. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very important and 5 is irrelevant how do you rate the following aspect of a music magazine.

Pictures                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Reviews                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Competitions           1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Free gift                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Upcoming gigs         1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Upcoming                 1                      2                          3                          4                           5

What’s in             1                        2                       3                            4                                5
this week

Quizzes and         1                       2                       3                             4                               5

Fan mail               1                        2                       3                            4                                5

I have included my first question so I can see what works best forboth sexes in music magazines.
I have included my second question so when it comes to picking the colour scheme for my magazine I know what is most appealing to the buyer.
Question three is included so I know how often it would be best to produce my magazine issue.
My fourth question is to help with the name of my magazine so people will know my magazine is about indie music when they go to buy it.
The fifth question I have included is to help me come up with coverlines for the front cover and other stories for my contents pages.
I have included the sixth question so I know what is most popular with the readers and what can be reviewed in the magazine.
My seventh question is to help me see how popular gigs are so readers can be notified and I can include reviews.
My rate section is to help me see what the most popular sections are in a magazine and what readers most like to see so I can concentrate on important areas when creating my magazine.

Friday, 15 October 2010


-One main image on one side of article.
-Main title.
-Smaller caption telling reader about article.
-Name of magazine next to page number.
-Quotes usually used to split up text which helps attract readers.
-Interviewer or reviewers name at beginning or end of Article.
-Small amount of colours – simple colour scheme.
-One large picture, which takes up a whole page, and sometimes bleeds between pages. (used to link       two pages together). Sometimes picture is across the whole double page spread, with all text on picture.
Quoter used sometimes in the headline, on the picture or in the stand first, or to break up the text.
Standfirst introduces the article and is positioned under headline, often include journalists name.
Drop capital used at start of the article, to show the reader where to start.
- Other techniques include: bold text , larger type face, capitals for first few words.
Headline sometimes uses stylised font. They arse used to draw the reader in but doesnt tell them what it's about, that is done by standfirst.
Byline who wrote article.
Often photogrpahs credited.
Laid out in 2 to 4 columns.
Strapline at top - subject matter.
Article is usually written informally and personality of journalist comes through.



Monday, 11 October 2010


Q magazine- Price: £3.99                            
                    Frequency of publication: Monthly on the 10th.
                    Issue size: 202 pages.
                    Regular content: new releases, music compilations, reviews-(film, music, radio,television),
                    the Q50, cash for questions crossword and ten commandments.
                    Feature articles:  Front cover main image article.
                                              Exclusive interviews.

Mojo Magazine - Price: £4.50
                           Frequency of publication: Monthly
                           Issue size: 154 pages.
                           Regular content: Albums, Reissues, Mojo playlist, All back to my place, Ask column and Hello.Goodbye.                            
                           Feature articles: Front cover main image article.

NME Magazine - Price: £2.20
                            Frequency of publication: Weekly.
                            Issue size: 66 pages.
                            Regular content: Band index, reviews, radar crossword, letters and live.
                            Feature articles:  Front cover main image article.
                                                      Plus article.



Type of music magazine - Indie
Target Audience - indie magazine for people 16-26 years old.


For the main task I have to research the market for music magazines and use what I have found to produce my own music magazine with front cover, contents page and double page spread for a main feature article.


In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product uses the basic form and conventions of a real media product. My media product doesn’t really develop any of the forms and conventions as it is a simple version of a media product. My media product doesn’t really challenge the forms and conventions, except for my main title as it is really detailed and different to a simple magazine title.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction of your media product?
For the production of my media product I used two new products which were Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXPress. I used Adobe Photoshop to develop my front cover, I learnt what tools there were, what they did, how to use them and how to bring them all together to produce a final magazine front cover. I used QuarkXPress to develop my contents page I used it to make a typical styled contents page and incorporate my ideas into it to make a complete contents page.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of both the product and your use of new media technologies?One of the strengths of my product is its weaknesses, the more weak my school magazine the more I can show how I have developed during my music magazine. My strengths in my media technologies have grown during my magazine production as I have developed more new skills; however I still have some weaknesses as I am only confident in the basics of the technologies.