Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Questionnaire: Music magazine.For my AS media I have to produce a music magazine I would be grateful if you could fill in this questionnaire to help my production.

1. Are you male or female?

2. What is your favourite colour?

3. How often do you buy a music magazine? (Circle answer)
    Weekly                   Fortnightly                    Monthly                     Every 2 months

4. What three words would you associate with Indie music?

5. Who is your favourite artist within the Indie genre?

6. Do you download music or buy CD’s? (Circle answer).
Download                        Buy CD                          Both

7. How many gigs do you attend in a six month period?

8. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very important and 5 is irrelevant how do you rate the following aspect of a music magazine.

Pictures                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Reviews                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Competitions           1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Free gift                    1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Upcoming gigs         1                      2                          3                          4                           5

Upcoming                 1                      2                          3                          4                           5

What’s in             1                        2                       3                            4                                5
this week

Quizzes and         1                       2                       3                             4                               5

Fan mail               1                        2                       3                            4                                5

I have included my first question so I can see what works best forboth sexes in music magazines.
I have included my second question so when it comes to picking the colour scheme for my magazine I know what is most appealing to the buyer.
Question three is included so I know how often it would be best to produce my magazine issue.
My fourth question is to help with the name of my magazine so people will know my magazine is about indie music when they go to buy it.
The fifth question I have included is to help me come up with coverlines for the front cover and other stories for my contents pages.
I have included the sixth question so I know what is most popular with the readers and what can be reviewed in the magazine.
My seventh question is to help me see how popular gigs are so readers can be notified and I can include reviews.
My rate section is to help me see what the most popular sections are in a magazine and what readers most like to see so I can concentrate on important areas when creating my magazine.

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